Saturday, December 29, 2007

16 weeks

16 week update

There is a baby in there I swear! We know this because yesterday I had a little mishap that landed me in the doctor's office. Yesterday morning when I was outside with Lily I went to go start my car for work and slipped and fell on the ice on our deck. I didn't even see the ice, nor did I expect any to be there. It was 6:30am and still very dark but I hadn't thought it had gotten cold enough to freeze the rain that we had the night before. I fell on my backside but I fell pretty hard, almost landing on Lily who was terrified and couldn't go to the bathroom after that. I felt fine but called the doctor anyway. To my surprise, they told me that I needed to come in. So I went in and they checked on Peanut who was fine. Peanut was either staying still or has grown that much bigger, but the doctor found the heartbeat right away, 150bpm. Also, I've gained 7 lbs so far...but where??? So all is good with us and Daddy may have just won himself the responsibility of taking the dog out in the morning and starting Mom's car!

Peanut says: Happy 6 month Anniversary Mommy & Daddy! Also, Mommy told me that she thinks I am a boy. Mom has had 2 dreams within the past few weeks that I was a boy. We'll know how scientific and accurate dreams are!!??

Sunday, December 16, 2007

14 weeks

Peanut is being very stubborn, just like Mom

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Doctors appointment #2

So today was our second appt and we got some very good news! Little Peanut and me are doing great. I'm growing and gaining an acceptable amount of weight but most importantly little Peanut is perfect. We finally got to hear the heartbeat today and I was very happy and relived about that. Peanut wasn't being very cooperative as the doctor tried to find it's heartbeat. At first all she could find was my heartbeat but after a few minutes she found Peanut's. Peanut was bouncing all over the place and wouldn't stay still long enough to get a good heartbeat, but eventually he/she settled down. Peanuts' heartrate was distinctly faster than mine and was measured at a healthy 140 bpm. It was so surreal to hear and funny too because it sounded like a washing machine. Ray and I are very proud. Going forward until I'm in my last month that's pretty much all the action were going to get at the doctors when we go every 4 weeks! They're just going to check on Peanut's heartrate and check my weight and belly size and that's about it. I will have a 20 week ultrasound done and at around 27 weeks will have to get more blood tests done but it seems like it will (hopefully) be uneventful and smooth sailing until about May.

Also today, I heard that Jessica Alba is expecting and is due around the same time I am due. Hopefully this means that Peanut and Jessica Alba's baby will have a lot in common!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

12 weeks

Dawn Marie are you happy now?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We finally told everyone!!

From Ray this time.....Well, it is now Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This is the first real opportunity that I have had to follow up with a post, and have plenty to write. We finally told everyone on Thanksgiving. It worked out better than I expected. I was able to bring in a gym bag with the gifts for the mom's, and put the gift bags in the dining room without anyone noticing. Everyone was so wrapped up in getting the dinner ready, they didn't even notice what I was doing.

Going back a bit, .... Sarah's mom arrived on Wednesday night, and immediately said something to Sarah and I about her aunt Sarah asking if she was pregnant already. We told her that it was way to early, and she would just have to wait.

Thursday morning Cathy, Tommy, Sarah and I were all having conversations about potential vacation destinations and timeframes for 2008. Her mom magically focused in on the first week in June. Also the week before Sarah is due. We let her continue on with her planning as if nothing was wrong with that date. Only problem is Cathy really likes to run with something when she gets going. I thought she would be trying to put a deposit down before we even get to tell her!!

Back to dinner at my Mom's....we were finally able to show my Mom the wedding pics from the photographer. I mention this because my Mom thinks that we are going to give the family pictures from the wedding.

Dinner was very nice, my Mom went overboard, as usual, and everything was delicious. I looked at Sarah multiple times during the meal(she was sitting just to my right), and she hadn't eaten a thing. I knew that she was really nervous about telling everyone. As the meal is ending, I went over to the couch, and grabbed the gifts. I announced to everyone that Sarah and I had early Xmas gifts for the moms, but that they had to open them at the same time.

I wish that I could have seen both moms reactions, but I was across from Cathy and next to my Mom. What I did see was priceless though. . . . .

Both moms did open at basically the exact same time. Cathy's face went from confusion to disbelief to crying in excitement in about 1 second. I will remember that moment for the rest of my life. It was amazing. My Mom started crying when she realized as well, and then the celebration, and more importantly, the explaining began!!

We told everyone how we had known for a while now, and how we planned on telling everyone. It was all very exciting. I was able to talk to all of my aunts and uncles who weren't in attendance as my mom was calling everyone. Most importantly, I was able to talk to Nanna to tell her the good news. She seemed somewhat overwhelmed with excitement as well.

The love fest continued until we had to leave to drop off a friend that joined us for dinner at the train station. It was a magical night, and it is such a relief really to finally be able to talk about it.

On a side note, we were unable to hear the baby's heart beat when we went to the doctor's last time. We were both disappointed, but I was more focused on the fact that the doctor said that both mom and baby seemed healthy. There is time for that later.

As Sarah wrote earlier, we have much to be thankful for!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

One more day...

One more day until we get to tell everyone our news. We are both very excited to share the news and now we can finally start talking about our new addition openly with everyone else too. I came up with a cute idea for how we will tell our Moms. Since the Moms will be with us tomorrow, we bought our mom's each a baby bib that say "I Love My Grandma" and were going to give them their bibs tomorrow at Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully they will figure it out!! The Dads will just have to settle on a phone call! Josh and Lisa and my cousin Vanessa already know. Vanessa was visiting last week and so I decided to tell her and Ray wanted badly himself to tell someone so we agreed that he could tell his best friend Josh if I could tell my best friend Lisa. Lisa freaked out and I think is still freaking out. She will be a fantastic Aunt.

I am starting to feel better, just still anxious about the baby. We were not able to hear the heartbeat at our appointment last week. The nurse didn't even try to find it because she said it was still a little early and it would be harder to hear since my uterus is facing the wrong way. Apparently its not uncommon for uteruses to be backwards and by the time I give birth she said it will most likely have turned around. I hope so, cause that throws off the whole picture of what I thought my anatomy looked like and now I'm confused as to how it all works! She did says that everything looked normal and was "growing" just fine. Growing I am, as I def have a bump and in the next few weeks will probably need to start wearing maternity clothes. However, no ultrasound until 20 weeks! That's crazy. I guess I thought that I would get another one before then, but no. Our next appointment is in 3 weeks, so hopefully by then we can hear the heartbeat.

Ray has been so supportive with everything. Besides being my personal chef, he's doing almost of of the work around the house and hasn't complained once. The nurse gave us a lot of material on foods to eat during pregnancy and foods to avoid. Ray went out and stocked up on all sorts of food that is suggested to be better for the health and development of the baby. He even replaced my albacore tuna with regular tuna because of the higher mercury content in albacore.
I'm starting to get some energy back but still can't be on my feet for too long. While shopping last weekend, I had to sit and eventually had to leave the store because I got really dizzy and light-headed. Good thing I sit at a desk all day at work. I don't know how pregnant women who work on their feet all day must do it. I get dizzy walking from my car into work. Thankfully the nausea has almost disappeared and I have my appetite back. Everything that I've read claims that I should be feeling much better within the next couple of weeks. I had no idea that the first trimester is this hard, but its almost over.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, Happy Thanksgiving Peanut. We have so much to be thankful for.

Friday, November 9, 2007

9 weeks today

Okay so I decided it was time for another post...don't know why, just felt like writing.

We have our first pre-natal doctors appt on Wednesday and we are both so excited. Hopefully, I'll get another ultrasound cause I can't wait to see peanut again. Maybe this time he or she will look more like a baby with like an actual head and legs and stuff and less like well...a peanut. I also am dying to hear the heartbeat. Hopefully, I'm far enough along to hear it. It will def take away some of the anxiety I am feeling. The past few days I haven't been feeling as sick and tired as I was before. And those two bumps on my chest don't seem so noticeable. It makes me worried that something is wrong. I am however, starting to show in my belly. My fat pants are feeling quite snug lately and I have to drive around with the top button undone when I'm wearing jeans. I almost forgot to snap back up a couple times already.

Maybe I'm feeling better because I think I've finally figured out how to fight the nausea. See, its simple really and I wish I knew to do this before but this is my first time so I'm dumb. All I've got to do is keep my belly full. Before since I was feeling sick and gross, I couldn't fathom eating anything. I actually couldn't watch tv commercials because looking at food was making it worse. So naturally, I'm now eating 8 meals a day and drinking tons of water and I think that's the trick, for me anyway. So, I'm afraid to stop eating basically, for fear of not being able to get anything down again. That probably explains my growing waistline, but I don't care. It'll all be worth it.

Ray of course as been very patient and supportive. He normally does the grocery shopping on the weekends but the other night I was craving Apple Jacks. I'm not really having cravings yet, its just that all I want to eat is cereal and bland foods. Anything to busy with too much flavor makes me ill. He wanted to make tacos for dinner that night ---um, no. Being a good husband he asked me to put together a list and went right away to the store. Half of what was on my list will probably go uneaten but just the thought that the bland food and cereal is in the house is extremely comforting.

I asked Lily today if she wanted a brother or a sister and she licked herself and left the room---a sister I guess?

More later....!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Comments from the BabyDaddy

Well, first off, I am so excited at the prospect of being a father for the first time. I think that this is an excellent way to document our thoughts and feeling during the pregnancy and also to be able to share with family and friends, especially those that are out of town. Hello Carbone and Tirone families. We miss you!

Now, this actually starts off for me back in August (I believe), when Sarah says to me one night that she wants to go off of birth control. Her reasoning was that she has been on the pill for a while, and she wants to get "regular", so we wouldn't have any problems conceiving. My initial thought is, "well, this could certainly change things quickly". What I, of course, say to her is well, I think that is a good idea because I would want you to be healthy and able to carry our baby. She says, "Don't worry, we can still be safe about all of this, and probably will try to get pregnant next year."

Well, that is all fine and dandy, but I immediately thought, "yeah, right, this is going to happen by the end of this year!"

We fast forward to a couple of months later, and I am, as usuall, downstair watching baseball, and Sarah yells from upstairs for me to come up. I could tell by the sound of her voice that this wasn't to show me a leaky toilet. I came up the stairs, and turn the corner to see her holding a little while stick. I immediately knew what she had done.

Now, to back up just a bit, she was late having her period in the previous month as well, so it wasn't necessarily strange when she told me this month that she was late again. The thing that was different this time, is that when she told me that she was late again, I thought that she was pregnant. I didn't tell her this because there are obvious consequences, first and foremost, that she could get unncessarily excited, and be upset if she wasn't actually pregnant.

Anyway, back to the little white stick, as I am standing there, looking at this thing, (Sarah makes me sound like a bit of a bafoon with her comments in the previous post), I say well, what does it mean. (How am I supposed to know how to read this thing, never been down this road before).

I take the stick from my beautiful wife's shaking hands, and see that there is a solid pink line, and a second pink line that is somewhat more faint. She says, "I think that this means that I am pregnant." She says, but I can't be, I know that I was a couple days away from when I was fertile last month.

Well, Sarah hands me the instructions, and sure enough, if there is any second line, then she is pregnant. So, I look down at her, and see the cautious excitement in her eyes. (I can tell that this is one of those forever moments in our lives, so I better choose my words wisely.) I tell her that is awesome, with a big smile on my face, and give her a big hug. She was still basically speachless. She says that she doesn't want to get too excited until she can see her doctor. (In the back of my mind, I am thinking, I KNEW IT!!)

At that point, we decide to wait to tell anyone of the impending addition to the family until Thanksgiving because both of the moms would be together. I think that this is a wonderful idea to be able to surprise the families. I told her that this would be the third pregnancy announced on Thanksgiving in my family, so there is a precedence.

Today is Thursday, November 1st, and I am home waiting for our new furniture to be delived, and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get some thoughts down while Sarah was out of the house. Although it is actually 3 weeks to the day until we tell anyone, I think that my mom already knows. She has an uncanny intuition. I think even if she does suspect, she won't say anything until we tell her.

I do have to say that not being able to tell anyone is extremely hard. First, I would like to share the excitement and enjoyment with people. This is huge for us. Second, as we inevitably encounter issues (i.e. Sarah having pains and cravings day to day) we are left to wonder what is and isn't normal. Sarah seems to spend hours each day looking online at different things about pregnancy. I can't help but think that it is somewhat unhealthy because you might read something that would make you think that something is wrong, and have you worried unnecessarily (Yes, this has happened already!!)

We, fortunately, got through the spotting incident ok, and the nurse that did her exam told me that it was normal, and that she had it throughout her first pregnancy. By the way, that was an exprience in itself sitting in a room while your wife is going through an exam like that. That was the first time that I have been in the room for one of those exams, and I will let the readers mind wonder what I was thinking as all of that was going on. Lets say that it is a little awkward the first time.....

I do feel bad that I was not able to recognize the beating heart on the screen while they were doing the ulrasound. I saw something flickering, and maybe that was it, so I won't stress over it. Either way, I did see the little peanut, so that is good : )

I will comment now on some of my thoughts about the baby since Sarah decided to write so much in her posting. I hope that I don't run out of things to say as the months go on!

First, in regards to the sex of the baby, I like not knowing. I will be overcome with joy either way when I first lay eyes on my little baby. I might cry.

I would love to have a little boy so that I could take him to games, be his little league coach, and be there to tell him about all of things growing up that I never had anyone to tell me. I want to be everything that I was missing in my life. I won't get into all of the specifics, but will leave it at "a lot".

Now, if we are lucky enough to have a little girl, well, so many thoughts on that one. I would love to have daddy's little girl, and add another little woman around me in my life. All of the others have played significant roles in my life already, and it would be awesome to add another. (This will of course mean that I will be insane from that point forward, because I will have to deal with the thoughts of my little girl growing up, and inevitably becoming a teenager and being chased by boys.) That will be "interesting".......

Either way, all I really hope for is a happy and healthy baby. Another step, in the quickly advancing, mature part of my life. I really can't be happier with the situation that I am in. I love my wife, (and the baby's big sister, Lily). I love my family. We both have good jobs, and a nice little house.

The future is bright......good thing I have my shades!! (had to through some humor in somewhere, didn't want everyone to be crying reading this....)

More to come. Thanks for stopping by.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Here's the story...

Hi everyone, as you must know by now my wonderful husband Ray and I are expecting our first child. I decided to do this whole blog thing after my cousin Dawn gave me the idea. It is def a great way to not only share our story and pictures with our friends and family but also a great way for us to journal our thoughts and document the pregnancy. Dawn is also pregnant and that kid is going to have two very cool and loving parents. You can view her blog here at

I guess the first thought that comes to my head as I think back to when we first found out we were pregnant is " wow, that was fast!" Ray and I feel very blessed that it happen very quickly and easily for us. Yes, honey your boys can swim. We only got married at the end of June and had previously decided that we wanted to get pregnant within the first year. We thought it might take that whole first year of trying but we were wrong. Surprisingly, we weren't even really trying. I thought it would take at least a few months just to get my cycle normalized again since going off of birth control in August. Well, by September we had our little "peanut" as Daddy likes to call it. I guess that someone upstairs knew that it was meant to happen like that for us.

When I missed the start of my period on Friday October 5th I didn't think much of it. I told Ray and he didn't think it was a big deal either. As I said, I just assumed that it was because I had lost my normal schedule. By Saturday afternoon I was a giant ball of anxiety, I know it seems weird but I actually "felt" pregnant that day. So I went to the drugstore, bought the home pregnancy test and took it as soon as I got home. I was by myself in our upstairs bathroom while Ray was downstairs oblivious to what I was dong. He thought that his wife had just ran out to pick up the dry cleaning. Well let me tell you, that second line appeared so very fast I couldn't catch my breath. I read the directions at least 8 more times to make sure that I did it right, I had. I was shaking but didn't know how to react. I was happy of course, and surprised and nervous and now had all of these thoughts racing around in my head about how I was going to tell Ray. Should I wait until a confirmed blood test? should I run out and buy a baby Red Sox outfit to give to him? In the end, I hollered downstairs for him to come up and handed him the shaking stick. As most expecting fathers would say he replied with "how do I read this?" Ugh! So I had to explain that the "key" was on the stick right there for him to figure out. After what seemed like an eternity he finally figured it out. His big smile was permanently burned into my memory.

We decided almost immediately that we weren't going to tell anyone until much further along. the timing was perfect as both of our Mom's would be together with us at Thanksgiving-we planned on telling them then. Keeping this news from my parents is so far the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. I know my Mom will cry when we tell her, Ray's mom will cry too. Our child would be the first grandchild for each of them. The funny thing is that we've been leading on that we didn't want children right away so that element will add to their surprise.

I wouldn't quite let myself believe it until I had a blood test but I was def feeling it. Almost immediately I was feeling the effects. I was almost always nauseated, my daily and nightly bathroom trips seemed to quadruple and my stomach became extremely tender to the touch. when I didn't hurt in my belly or feel sick to my stomach I was worried, so I actually welcomed the pain! Obviously I was very early along so I wasn't showing but I was feeling. It hurt so much to even wear a seat belt that I was nervous that something was actually wrong. I spent the first week glued to the Internet at night, scanning for stories and posts from other pregnant women to see if my symptoms were normal. It was hard since I couldn't call anyone personally that I knew to ask them about what I was going though since I didn't want to ruin the surprise. i was and still am scared of a miscarriage as I am not out of the woods yet.

I took one more home pregnancy test the following Tuesday before I called my doctor. Sure enough, two lines. Thursday I went in for a blood test and on Friday October 12th it was official. Our due date would be June 13th. I found out when I was at work on Friday. Since I work on a trading desk with absolutely no privacy, as does Ray, I decided against calling him to give him the news. So I did what any 21st century person would do to convey life changing news-I shot him an email. His response was prompt and blunt. "My boys can swim!!"

We had Gina and Don's wedding that night and Ray's whole family would be in attendance. I didn't feel good at all but knew I couldn't miss it. It was a beautiful wedding and I regret not being able to enjoy it as much as I could have. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull off the no-drinking thing either. I drank tonic waters all night and I guess people assumed that it was a vodka tonic or something. I also tried to make a couple appearances on the dance floor even though I remember cramping so bad that day that it hurt to dance, but I was determined to act as normal as possible and everyone knows that I love to have fun at weddings. I think that the adrenalin kept me going that night as physically I was a wreck but mentally I was on top of the world.

By the following week I guessed that I was about 5 or so weeks pregnant and still had all of the same symptoms. I finally gave in and told my supervisor about the pregnancy. I didn't want him to wonder why I kept leaving the desk or why I was tired all of the time, especially with annual reviews coming up! His response when I told him? A high five. That's different. Ray also told his supervisor in case he needed to tend to me at all. I also had to end up telling my chiropractor and dental hygienist as I had appointments with them that week and needed to let them know it case it would affect my treatment. So I was kinda getting frustrated that we did have to end up telling some people but as long as we kept it from our family and friends that was the important part.

My belly was growing slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. But it wasn't my belly growth that I was concerned about-it was my breasts! They aren't very big to begin with but they started popping out like they were suddenly awakened after 10 years of hibernation. I had no idea that it would happen this early. Ray was banished from coming anywhere near them and I had to alter my snuggling position with Lily(our dog) because they hurt so much. Not to mention they were really heavy and I felt as if I was dragging them out of bed with me every morning.

While we thought it was too early to get into full blown planning mode,Ray and I started discussing the space in our house and what we were going to do about the lack of it. We have a lovely cape style house that we love but it's only 2 bedrooms. One bedroom for us, one for baby and none for my mom when she moves in! I know that she'll want to spend lots of time here with us once the baby is born. Fortunately we have the option of expanding to build another bedroom, whether or not we have the money to do that is a different story.

During my 6th week I had a minor scare. I had started spotting and it seemed to be getting heavier everyday. My first doctor's appointment wasn't scheduled until mid November, as they didn't feel the need to see me until I was 10 weeks along. I talked to one of the nurses who assured me that it was perfectly normal to spot early on and not to worry unless the bleeding was very heavy. Worry I do, so I called again after another day and she offered that I could come in and get an ultrasound so I could see the baby and heartbeat for piece of mind. Since I was still early, they needed me to get a blood test to check my HCG levels to make sure that I was "pregnant enough" for the ultrasound to work. My levels were nice and high and they let me come in and get the ultrasound yesterday. Ray came with me and I was a nervous wreck on the way there. Deep down I knew that everything was still fine and that I was being paranoid, but I didn't want to consume myself with doubt and worry until my first appointment in a few weeks. So yesterday we saw our baby for the first time. I t didn't look like much, just a light spot in the middle of my dark uterus. The spot was flickering, it was the heartbeat. The baby has a very healthy heartbeat of 140 bpm and in a few weeks we should be able to hear it. Ray told me after we left that he couldn't see the flickering and I yelled at him that he should've spoken up so she could've pointed it out to him! I still continue to have the spotting but I feel much better about it since I know the baby is okay.

As I write this, I want to mention that we are not going to find out the gender of the baby before it is born. I think it will be a nice surprise and something for us to look forward to throughout the pregnancy. Before I was pregnant , I always said that I wanted a girl first, but now I just want a healthy baby. I know it's a cliche but if he or she (and me) could all get through this in good health, that's all that matters. I think that Daddy secretly hopes that his little peanut turns out to be a girl. He likes calling Lily and I "his girls" and a baby girl would fit right into his perfect world of surrounding himself with women that he loves taking care of. But then some days I think he wants a boy more. Partly because he is eager to share his passion of baseball with the little guy and partly because he gets to have something that is missing in his life, a bond between a father and a son.

Today I am about 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant and am completely thrilled to pieces. Since I'm not planning on posting this until after Thanksgiving, by the time you are reading this I will probably be showing more and will post some pictures. I plan to update this blog until the baby arrives so please stay posted! More to come...