Thursday, November 1, 2007

Comments from the BabyDaddy

Well, first off, I am so excited at the prospect of being a father for the first time. I think that this is an excellent way to document our thoughts and feeling during the pregnancy and also to be able to share with family and friends, especially those that are out of town. Hello Carbone and Tirone families. We miss you!

Now, this actually starts off for me back in August (I believe), when Sarah says to me one night that she wants to go off of birth control. Her reasoning was that she has been on the pill for a while, and she wants to get "regular", so we wouldn't have any problems conceiving. My initial thought is, "well, this could certainly change things quickly". What I, of course, say to her is well, I think that is a good idea because I would want you to be healthy and able to carry our baby. She says, "Don't worry, we can still be safe about all of this, and probably will try to get pregnant next year."

Well, that is all fine and dandy, but I immediately thought, "yeah, right, this is going to happen by the end of this year!"

We fast forward to a couple of months later, and I am, as usuall, downstair watching baseball, and Sarah yells from upstairs for me to come up. I could tell by the sound of her voice that this wasn't to show me a leaky toilet. I came up the stairs, and turn the corner to see her holding a little while stick. I immediately knew what she had done.

Now, to back up just a bit, she was late having her period in the previous month as well, so it wasn't necessarily strange when she told me this month that she was late again. The thing that was different this time, is that when she told me that she was late again, I thought that she was pregnant. I didn't tell her this because there are obvious consequences, first and foremost, that she could get unncessarily excited, and be upset if she wasn't actually pregnant.

Anyway, back to the little white stick, as I am standing there, looking at this thing, (Sarah makes me sound like a bit of a bafoon with her comments in the previous post), I say well, what does it mean. (How am I supposed to know how to read this thing, never been down this road before).

I take the stick from my beautiful wife's shaking hands, and see that there is a solid pink line, and a second pink line that is somewhat more faint. She says, "I think that this means that I am pregnant." She says, but I can't be, I know that I was a couple days away from when I was fertile last month.

Well, Sarah hands me the instructions, and sure enough, if there is any second line, then she is pregnant. So, I look down at her, and see the cautious excitement in her eyes. (I can tell that this is one of those forever moments in our lives, so I better choose my words wisely.) I tell her that is awesome, with a big smile on my face, and give her a big hug. She was still basically speachless. She says that she doesn't want to get too excited until she can see her doctor. (In the back of my mind, I am thinking, I KNEW IT!!)

At that point, we decide to wait to tell anyone of the impending addition to the family until Thanksgiving because both of the moms would be together. I think that this is a wonderful idea to be able to surprise the families. I told her that this would be the third pregnancy announced on Thanksgiving in my family, so there is a precedence.

Today is Thursday, November 1st, and I am home waiting for our new furniture to be delived, and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get some thoughts down while Sarah was out of the house. Although it is actually 3 weeks to the day until we tell anyone, I think that my mom already knows. She has an uncanny intuition. I think even if she does suspect, she won't say anything until we tell her.

I do have to say that not being able to tell anyone is extremely hard. First, I would like to share the excitement and enjoyment with people. This is huge for us. Second, as we inevitably encounter issues (i.e. Sarah having pains and cravings day to day) we are left to wonder what is and isn't normal. Sarah seems to spend hours each day looking online at different things about pregnancy. I can't help but think that it is somewhat unhealthy because you might read something that would make you think that something is wrong, and have you worried unnecessarily (Yes, this has happened already!!)

We, fortunately, got through the spotting incident ok, and the nurse that did her exam told me that it was normal, and that she had it throughout her first pregnancy. By the way, that was an exprience in itself sitting in a room while your wife is going through an exam like that. That was the first time that I have been in the room for one of those exams, and I will let the readers mind wonder what I was thinking as all of that was going on. Lets say that it is a little awkward the first time.....

I do feel bad that I was not able to recognize the beating heart on the screen while they were doing the ulrasound. I saw something flickering, and maybe that was it, so I won't stress over it. Either way, I did see the little peanut, so that is good : )

I will comment now on some of my thoughts about the baby since Sarah decided to write so much in her posting. I hope that I don't run out of things to say as the months go on!

First, in regards to the sex of the baby, I like not knowing. I will be overcome with joy either way when I first lay eyes on my little baby. I might cry.

I would love to have a little boy so that I could take him to games, be his little league coach, and be there to tell him about all of things growing up that I never had anyone to tell me. I want to be everything that I was missing in my life. I won't get into all of the specifics, but will leave it at "a lot".

Now, if we are lucky enough to have a little girl, well, so many thoughts on that one. I would love to have daddy's little girl, and add another little woman around me in my life. All of the others have played significant roles in my life already, and it would be awesome to add another. (This will of course mean that I will be insane from that point forward, because I will have to deal with the thoughts of my little girl growing up, and inevitably becoming a teenager and being chased by boys.) That will be "interesting".......

Either way, all I really hope for is a happy and healthy baby. Another step, in the quickly advancing, mature part of my life. I really can't be happier with the situation that I am in. I love my wife, (and the baby's big sister, Lily). I love my family. We both have good jobs, and a nice little house.

The future is bright......good thing I have my shades!! (had to through some humor in somewhere, didn't want everyone to be crying reading this....)

More to come. Thanks for stopping by.


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