Monday, January 28, 2008

20 weeks

Today was our Ultrasound and everything looks good with Peanut. They did a whole anatomy scan to make sure all of the limbs, organs and major bones look good. They also checked the placenta and umbilical cord and everything looks perfect. Peanut was very active and would not stay still! The baby was apparently kicking my bladder senseless but I couldn't really feel it. I am happy to report that Peanut weighs in at a healthy 14 oz. Our little miracle is almost 1 lb. They took all sorts of measurements and based on those measurements moved my due date up a whopping one day to June 12th. We adverted temptation and did not find out what sex Peanut is. We figure that there are only so many big surprises in life and decided that for us, it was worth it to wait until the baby is born. I'm not sure that the technician herself even really looked. I've got some pictures of the baby that I will try and post as soon as I have a chance to figure out how my scanner works.

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