Tuesday, January 8, 2008

17 1/2 weeks....

...and all is well

Tomorrow is my monthly doctor's appt and I'm feeling great! I think I'm getting my energy (and appetite) back. Ray's bringing me home some Chic-Fil-A tonite after the gym and if I'm craving anything yet...it's that!!! Although, maybe I'm not craving, its just an excuse to eat bad once in awhile because I feel like I can justify it more now that its okay to pack on the pounds! I think I'm approaching 10lbs. total weight gain so far. I don't mind gaining the weight, I just hope thatI don't end up like those women who gain something ridiculous like 80 lbs.

Since my belly pictures still haven't been all that impressive (thanks Dawn for making me look bad) I decided to try a different strategy with the picture this time and to put it in better context by keeping my clothes on! Maybe it will make a difference.

Thanks for checking in.

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