Saturday, May 31, 2008

38 weeks

Still no news to expected. Peanut is not the ready for his or her grand entrance yet. Although the doctor thinks the baby may have dropped lower, I'm still not anymore dilated and still don't feel like its time yet. I still feel pretty good, with the exception of some major weight gain (5 lbs. in a week) and golf ball size ankles. Is it possible to gain 5 lbs in a week??? I was actually expecting to have lost weight because I feel like I am eating less. So, I've officially hit the big 4-0 on the weight gain. I still have a good amount of energy, its just hard to get around now. I have to be pulled up from a laying down position to avoid straining any stomach muscles that I have left! I'm trying to master the whole literally "rolling" out of bed thing in the middle of the night during the frequent bathroom trips. It's quite amusing, but I am trying to cherish the short time that I have left with the baby to myself. I can't wait to hold Peanut in something other than my uterus, but I actually like being pregnant and will miss feeling the baby all snuggled up inside. I will miss getting spoiled too! Ray has been taking care of everything around the house, everyone waits on me wherever I go and even the guys at work have been conscious to make sure that I am off my feet as much as possible. Plus, I've never had so many doors held open for me from afar. I might have hit a record the other day when some guy held a door open for me, even though I was a good 30 yards away. So the question is...does an easy pregnancy mean I am going to have a difficult labor and delivery?? Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Sarah-just to let you know I had an easy pregnancy and a fairly easy labor...think positive. It could be any time now and we are all excited for you and Ray. I'm sure your little girl will be as beautiful as Kaitlyn. We got to see her a couple of times during her visit. Hang in there !!!