Thursday, June 12, 2008

40 weeks

Yes...I am still here. Although we had quite an exciting day today. This morning at my doctors appt, I was still at 1 cm but the baby was much lower than last time, so there is some progress!! However, my blood pressure remained high for the second visit in a row. Because of the concern for the high blood pressure, they sent me across the street to Labor and Delivery at the Hospital for further tests. I felt fine, I think it was more of a precaution. I actually surprised myself with how calm I was. For those of you who don't know, I'm a nut about doctors offices and needles and for the longest time, believed I would never have children because of those fears. This was actually my first time being in a hospital (for myself) as I've never had any illnesses or broken bones or anything.

So I got hooked up to the monitors that measure the baby's heart rate, my contractions and I also was hooked up to a blood pressure machine where it took my blood pressure every 10 minutes for 2 hours. I had all sorts of blood tests done in the meantime too. To my surprise, I was actually having contractions, even though I couldn't feel them. They were every 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 minutes apart, but very irregular and not "true" labor contractions. I was told that I could contract like that for days and still not have the baby. Ray was in awe of everything and thought it was interesting to watch the contractions and the baby's heartbeat on the screens. He was also impressed at my high pain tolerance, but I had to explain to him that "I could be so lucky" if these were true labor contractions and I couldn't feel them. But we did feel my belly tighten every time one came on, so that kept us entertained for the two hours.

Blood tests came back perfect, the baby was perfect, even my blood pressure had gone down and stayed down. So, I got sent home but put on bed rest. Which means no more work for me! Yippie! My next appt is on Monday but hopefully I don't even make it until that one. Until then, I am on "doctors orders" to do NOTHING but sleep, lay on the couch and go to the bathroom. That could get very boring very fast, but I think I can manage!!

We'll keep you posted....


Anonymous said...

Sarah...40 weeks ...time's up...Will you be taking the computer into the labor room??? We need a minute by minute update so Ray will have to type fast...Good luck...Remember the prize at the end is so worth it...

karen said...

Hey Sar & Ray, glad to hear about your exciting day. Peanut is almost ready to come out, I can't wait! Enjoy your time relaxing!

Mike and Dawn said...

You lucky should hope for the baby to come 2 weeks late so you can get paid for laying on the couch!! Although, I know you will not be laying on the couch for weeks. Take a walk...get that baby out! We want to see him.

Mike and Dawn said...

How about a new picture? Don't give up on the pictures at this point...we all want to see your belly. You're 4 days late now.