Sunday, May 11, 2008

35 weeks


Anonymous said...

Hope you had a nice Mother-to-be Day. Wow-the belly is getting that shiny look that Dawn's got the last couple of weeks. I can't believe that you're in the final "stretch". We are anxious to meet Baby Peanut.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Agnes said;
Now that I have seen Kaitlyn and spent some time with her, I can't wait to see peanut ant Kaitlyn together. From what I can see of your belly, peanut is growing in leaps.

Anonymous said...

your belly looks like an overblown balloon which is about to pop. Let's hope it's soon.
Baby grandma

Mike and Dawn said...

Sar - you look great! The belly is nice and shiney...ready to burst. I hope you are able to sleep over the last few weeks. Take advantage of 8 hour stretches of sleep - you won't get them for a while once the baby is born. Kaitlyn is wondering where Peanut would like to go for their first vacation together. A drive to Florida, perhaps?

karen said...

Sara, I pulled up your blog and Bob wondered how you shined up your belly so good for the picture. Haha! I love it! Are you guys set on your names (you dont have to tell)? We think we have ours picked out. Now watch, you end up having a boy and we name them the same thing!
I can't wait, you are getting SOOOO close!!!