So whatever growth spurt I had between weeks 18-22 is def over for the time being. At the doctor's on Wednesday I had only gained 3 lbs since my last visit 4 weeks ago. It's going straight to my belly too now, where as before I was filling out in other areas. I'm up to a total of 23 lbs. Peanut has been much more active this week. At first I was mainly feeling the baby move around at night. This week the baby has been moving around all day and night it feels like. I don't even have to drink juice or eat chocolate to get it to move anymore. Peanut's new thing is keeping Mom up at night or waking her in the middle of the night with the little kicks. It's cute but sleeping and staying comfortable in bed is becoming a chore. The lack of sleep has turned me into a zombie after 7pm every night. I'm really no fun this week. Also note to self: Do not watch the American Idol results show anymore while pregnant. It's just too much for me to keep from crying along with the contestants in my heightened emotional state!!
I hope that being a grandma will be easier than trying to get onto this blog and leave a comment. I have to register as anonymous in order to leave something.
Sarah, you look to cute, but I want to see a full frontal. Also, Don't cry over IDOL- the correct people were ousted. They weren't that good- especially Danny.
The baby Grandma in Buffalo
I wish you and Karen could get together for a belly shot like your mother and I did. I don't have one picture of my naked belly from when I was pregnant. I guess that was taboo!
I was just looking at your belly and thinking how cool it would be to see you and Dawn at a bon jovi concert right now...
Sarah wait till you see my belly shot this week, I think I am as big as you right now. I feel HUGE!!!
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