Sunday, March 30, 2008

29 weeks

Hello again! We are so happy that baseball season is finally here. All of this college basketball stuff makes me want to throw up. We did the season ticket thing again this year of course but I'm not sure how many of the games I'll actually be able to make it too. I'm already finding myself waddling around and walking like an old lady. I've even turned into those women that I used to make fun of...ladies that put on socks and sneakers over their pantyhose and walk around on their lunch break. But yep, that me now. Sitting on a chair at work for 10 hours a day is not to kind on a pregnant womans' back. So I started walking the trails at work and it helps a little, but I'm so out of shape that the first day, I stretched out a calf muscle and spent the night in pain. On a side note, it's also become extremely difficult to do regular maintenance "down there." I cannot see anything without using a mirror and that could get dangerous. Oh the joys....!

Peanut seems to be a content little thing, but I'm not sure how "little" he or she is. Last night I was laying on the couch and told Ray to come over to feel the baby. So I put his hand directly on the spot where I felt the kicking (or punching) and as soon as he put his hand down, I got the hardest whack that I've felt thus far from Peanut. I actually yelped, it hurt so bad. I would like to think that was Peanut's way of showing off in front of Daddy and that the baby could actually sense Ray and maybe was responding to his voice but that seems a little far fetched! Either way, it hurt, a lot!!

My intuition that Peanut is a boy is becoming stronger every week. My Mom is quick to point out though that when she was pregnant with me, she and everyone else thought I was a boy too. If a baby girl pops out, I'm going to feel like a bad mother since my first instinct about my child was wrong!!

Have a good week.

BTW-Congratulations to Ray and Angie on their healthy baby boy born on March 24...Dominic Hunter.

Friday, March 21, 2008

28 weeks

Happy Easter everyone! Were into the home stretch now and time is flying by. Everything is going well and Peanut seems to have fallen into a little routine. The baby is almost always most active right after dinner until I fall asleep. Peanut can also be found hanging out on my right side almost all of the time. I can't tell for sure which way Peanut is laying yet but is almost always snuggled up on the right. I wonder if my belly looks lopsided....I'll have to check.

Sugar test came back normal but the genius doctors discovered that I had low iron. I could've told them that weeks ago! I look like Powder, I'm so pale. It's not a huge deal, I just have to take an iron supplement along with my prenatal vitamins. Normally all of this iron would not be good for your digestive system.....if ya know what I mean. But I've discovered this wonderful cereal called Raisin Bran and so far it's my miracle meal. I feel as light as a feather, it fantastic!! Now, I understand why my Mom has eaten Raisin Bran for all these years. I'm happier than I've been this whole pregnancy because of it!

My dreams are starting to get super funky. The other night I had a dream that I delivered twins who were conjoined at the head. I kept telling everyone that these were not my babies as I wasn't supposed to have twins. I was carrying on saying that they must've been J-Lo's babies and that she had mine. J-Lo is such a baby stealer.

Ray and I are completely excited for our good friends Ray and Angie who are going to have their baby probably on Monday. Angie is getting induced on Sunday night and we can't wait to meet their little angel. They live right down the street from us so we will be dropping by often. Hopefully being around their baby for a few months will make me less and less anxious about being around a newborn. I haven't been around a newborn since Julianna so it has been awhile!

Thanks for checking in....until next week!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

27 weeks

I had my glucose test yesterday, that was not too fun. The stuff that they make you drink was pretty gross. It tasted like a very very sugary fruit punch. I actually felt nauseous after drinking it probably because of all of the sugar. Hopefully I passed the blood tests and don't have to go back for any more blood work.

Peanut seems pretty content, the movements this week were a little less obvious although at one point I think Peanut had a limb stuck up near my ribs. Cute, but uncomfortable! I also read that Peanut is probably measuring approximately 13-15 inches and weighs just over 2 lbs by now. Seems unreal!!

Ray is painting the nursery this weekend and soon we can start to decorate. It's all very exciting and June will be here before we know it and you know me--I'm a total worry wart and want everything ready for the baby way before then. He'a a little down that I didn't want to go to Florida this year to go to Red Sox spring training. It's the first time in 8 years that he hasn't gone and he likes to remind me of that everyday. I told him that he could still go by himself but that his soon to be child would be upset for leaving Mom home alone. It's a guilt trip but there are things around the house that have to get done before baby arrives. I'm nesting dammit!! When else in our lives will I be able to take advantage of all this? A women I work with told me that when she was pregnant she made her husband plant 20 trees around the perimeter of their house. I would say that Ray has had it pretty easy so far.

My Aunts have requested more frontal pictures instead of belly pictures so I'll put up both, even though I'm against the frontal pictures because my face is starting to get so fat....

Friday, March 7, 2008

26 weeks

So whatever growth spurt I had between weeks 18-22 is def over for the time being. At the doctor's on Wednesday I had only gained 3 lbs since my last visit 4 weeks ago. It's going straight to my belly too now, where as before I was filling out in other areas. I'm up to a total of 23 lbs. Peanut has been much more active this week. At first I was mainly feeling the baby move around at night. This week the baby has been moving around all day and night it feels like. I don't even have to drink juice or eat chocolate to get it to move anymore. Peanut's new thing is keeping Mom up at night or waking her in the middle of the night with the little kicks. It's cute but sleeping and staying comfortable in bed is becoming a chore. The lack of sleep has turned me into a zombie after 7pm every night. I'm really no fun this week. Also note to self: Do not watch the American Idol results show anymore while pregnant. It's just too much for me to keep from crying along with the contestants in my heightened emotional state!!