Well, we are only a couple "very" short weeks from the due date. So much has happened in the last few weeks that has not been baby related, but definitely affected us profoundly. We had a minor (major) plumbing disaster. I came down one morning and saw part of our kitchen ceiling caved in....Not a pleasant sight. It took 3 weeks to get it fixed. 1 week plus with me having to run downstairs to the basement to have to shut the water on and off a couple of times a day so that we could shower and what not. A week and a half of the leak fixed but no sink in our bathroom. Fun for showering, brushing your teeth, etc. The most rewarding part was having to be in an "all day" training for a week during the initial problem, as your wife, who is 8 months pregnant is on the verge of a mental breakdown....understandably so, the baby shower was coming up that very weekend, and we were having her mom and Lisa stay with us.
Anyway, that has all been taken care of. Better now then when the little one was here with us. It definitely would have been much worse then....and we got a new bathroom sink out of the deal...not free of course, but none the less.
Next, we had a painter come in (Sarah's idea) to paint the hallway leading upstairs. Well, we go out to let him paint, come back, and of course, there is spacle dust everywhere. Breakdown #2. It is very fun convincing your 8 1/2 month pregnant wife that we can get the dust cleaned up and out of all of the furniture. Anyway, that has since been cleaned up as well, and the hallway, and ceiling, and molding, that he painted all look very nice.
So today, we were finally (I think) able to clean the house to Sarah's specifications, I am sure that everyone that is reading this knows that she can be a little particular. I was happy to be able to say to her that she should now be able to relax and just get ready to have this baby, and not be worried about having to clean any more. ......I think that this means that the "nesting" faze is over!!!
As for me, I will say that I am doing fine (I still owe this to Greg who told me that he was always upset that no one asked him how he was doing when Missy was preggers). Unfortunately, no one gives a damn about me, so I wish that he would not have shared that because I get more rude comments and stares for saying that I am doing ok then actual sympathy, or even a few laughs....I do know that it is supposed to be in jest.
Honestly, this whole thing has been quite an experience already, and I don't care that anyone asks me how I am, it really is about Sarah, however, you learn a lot about yourself trying to keep yourself and your extremely emotional wife sane through this whole process. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
We watched "Juno" yesterday, and I just knew that she was going to cry...she did. I had to hug her to tell that there is true love, and a chance that two people can find happiness and spend the rest of their lives together......I am looking forward to that very thing : )
Oh, and by the way, I had a dream last night that Peanut was a boy, looked like me, but with a chubby face, and green eyes......its a shame that my dreams apparently don't mean anything. We will all have to wait to find out if little baby Alex, or Brendan, or Sienna, or Jocelyn will join us soon........seriously, did you guys think that I was going to give the name up in a blog?!?!!? We waited this long, so will you!!!!
Hope everyone enjoyed the update, and sorry that I haven't written more.....the next update will be with a name and how amazing the experience of child birth was.......